dlk - the system concept
The "building guidance" of the ´dlk´ system construction kit consists
of a scalable system- and connecting-concept. The documentation of the
concept is done by schematics and system descriptions.
- all functional parts are grouped around a FPGA, the
central point of the system. Thereby reconfigurability,
flexibility, performance and maintenance are optimized.
- standard PC interface, that can be integrated within the
FPGA for communication and administration purposes. JTAG interface,
that can be integrated within the FPGA for programming on board CPLD
logic devices
- one dual use boot memory for CPU program and FPGA
konfiguration data
- development and production without programming device and
without use of pre-programmed or special parts
- reduced development costs, suitability also for small and
middle quantities
- optimized for Xilinx ISE and Spartan-II FPGA's
- open system, source code completely